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The Menus Plaisirs Circle: the key to understanding contemporary art

In the spirit of the Ministry of the House of the King of France, which organized the "festivities", the Cercle des Menus Plaisirs, founded and directed by Rachel DUDOUIT and hosted by Frédéric ELKAIM, offers its members an intelligent approach to the heart of contemporary artistic creation.

Often far from the known references, the artists of the XXIst century approach the art with a new glance which provokes, destabilizes, surprises. Frédéric ELKAIM explains to us step by step the different approaches proposed on the current artistic scene through a personalized mediation.

Vibrate : Contemporary Art with a capital A

The state of affairs in 2017 is both teeming, awesome and sometimes commercial or simplistic. How do you find your way through it?

The exhibitions and private visits, conducted in small groups, allow for lively and progressive exchanges in the understanding of the many artistic movements since the 20th century. They give the opportunity to see the major European events of international scope (International Contemporary Art Fair of Paris, Artbasel, Venice Biennale) to devote time to deciphering the trends and developments observed from year to year.

The starting idea is to enlighten us on the intellectual path of the emotions aroused by the works of art of all times. Putting the work in its historical context and in perspective with the artist's biography, allows us to access a level of knowledge that we could not know a priori.

Mediator between artists, gallery owners and collectors

Artprice has published the top 10 public sales of contemporary works, demonstrating the surge in international demand. Basquiat leads the way with an all-time record at $110.5 million.

The Contemporary Art Market Report announces +1400% in 17 years and +7.6% annual return against negative rates.

A very detailed knowledge of prices by geographical area and artistic movement becomes essential. The quotation of confirmed or emerging artists requires a perfect immersion in the world of gallery owners and professionals. Knowing their background, their project, the institutional organizations that may have already purchased works are all important criteria for the formation of the price.

Since 2011, I have the pleasure to follow the steps of Frederic Elkaim between Geneva and Paris in this field. His professionalism, his knowledge of the subject and of the major actors of the contemporary art market are precious assets for those who are looking for reference points. Thus, the Cercle des Menus plaisirs organized for the account of the Union d'Experts group a day of training "Reflection on the contemporary art market - lunch-debate followed by a private visit of the FIAC" with great success.

"These services cover the field of art and collection training, graphic design, styling, cultural events, meetings, visits, conferences and round tables, as well as individualized support, coaching, expertise and art brokerage.

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