This is the title of the article. Obviously, I am very honored to read this first publication on the front page of the Professional Journal The Expert of the June 2015 issue. Indeed, the reading committee of the CEA, Compagnie des Experts, has validated. Yet this is a quarterly journal for the insurance adjusting world.
I invite you to read the article:
A diamond at 800 euros
Since its creation in 1936, 12 presidents have presided over this professional association. Naturally, Mr. Yves LEGOUX perpetuates the mission since 2011. He promotes the links between the insurance companies and the members of the French Federation of Insurance and the GEMA (Group of Mutual Insurance Companies) and the profession of Insurance Experts.
As for the reading committee, I obtained the support of René Farat, Editor-in-Chief and Louis Marie Boucrault, Chairman of the Editorial Committee. Both of them have chosen to put forward the speciality of theft claims.
Indeed, this new specialty is added to the previous areas of Certification.
In conclusion, the magazine L'Expert is historically addressed to building experts. Here,the reading committee opens its field of analysis to all the problems of furniture content .
Enjoy your reading.