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NFT art: French personalities to follow

Each week, let's take the time to pause on a single piece of information among the bubbling news of "NFT and Crypto-art".

This morning I remembered the courageous auction house FAUVE PARIS which announced its "commitment to the NFT Revolution" with the sale of digital works in NFT in cryptocurrencies at the beginning of 2022. In a memorable evening, broadcast live on Twitterspace, the pioneer actors of this new movement spoke.

First Parisian event on NFT Art

"The November 24, 2021 meetup organized at FauveParis gathered major actors of the French NFT scene".

French personalities to follow

- John Karp, co-author of the book NFT Revolution and co-host of the podcast NFT Morning
- Benoit Couty, collector & founder of the Museum of Crypto Art
- Benjamin Spark, artist who has been to NFT
- Hermine Bourdin, sculptor & designer for the metavers
- Albertine Meunier, collector, digital advisor & artist
- Denis Santelli, artist who has exhibited in Cryptovoxels
- Me Ingrid-Méry Haziot, lawyer specializing in immaterial law
- Rémy André Ozcan, president of the French Federation of Blockchain Professionals

without forgetting the representative of the gallery SWCHAB BEAUBOURG.

This commitment is the result of a passionate exploration led by FauveParis CEO Lucie-Eléonore Riveron, creator of the Instagram account @fauve.nft and co-host of the podcast The Art of NFT.

The feeling of participating in a founding act

There will be a before and after this date. Until now, I was listening on social networks (Clubhouse, Twitter space, Discord) to different groups of artists and collectors.

For the first time, the players are coming together to explain the issues.

  • Indeed, there is such a gap of understanding between the actors of the traditional art market and the new entrepreneurs of the WEB 3.0 that we have the impression to evolve on two different planets.
  • We can ask ourselves about de-intermediation. Is this the end of galleries and auction houses? From the point of view of certain artists, it is becoming more and more unacceptable to sell in galleries. On the other hand, the not very evolving system of the auction houses since twenty years shows its limits.

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